Success of Novatilu in the design week of Barcelona

About 40 people attended the event led by the rapporteur Josep Maria Fort, architect, former president of the FAD and current director of the inter-university master MBDesign (UPC-UB).

The conference, which took place on Thursday 8th June as part of the Design Week of Barcelona , was a great success. Under the title "Furniture and urban environment", Fort reviewed the trends in urban design and furniture, giving examples of some of the company's own design products. The attendees to the event filled the hall of the Design Hub Barcelona building. At the end of the talk a debate was opened during which the speaker answered the questions asked by the audience.

Without any doubt, a good meeting point for people of the sector and the perfect excuse to make new contacts, one of which is the rapporteur himself. A very well positioned figure in the sector of the architecture in Barcelona.